Questions To Ask To Determine If Your New Business Will Create Hazardous Waste

4 September 2017
 Categories: Environmental, Blog


Starting a new business is an exciting time that is filled with all kinds of strategic planning and preparation. This is also the time when you must also consider the waste products that will be created by your new place of business so you can better plan on how it should be handled. Many new business owners find themselves a little in the dark when it comes to hazardous waste management because they just don't know a lot about this grey area.

The strict policies and regulations on hazardous waste can land you in hot water right out of the gate if you're not careful, so it is a good idea to be really sure about your waste and whether or not it should be deemed hazardous by the EPA. Here are a few questions to ask to help you determine if the waste you will be dealing with in your new business will be considered hazardous.

Is the waste going to be solid waste?

This may seem like a strange question, but in order to be considered hazardous, a waste must also be solid at some point. The waste does not have to actually be characteristically solid in physical form to be considered solid. Liquid, contained gs, and other materials can also be considered solid waste. Solid waste is merely defined as discarded material, such as garbage or sludge, that happens as a product of commercial processes. 

Is the waste product classified as hazardous waste?

This is a big question and it is easy to find the answer because hazardous waste outlines are clearly defined by the EPA. There are four different lists provided that you can look over to determine if the waste products from your new business will be deemed as hazardous. Some of the more common forms of hazardous waste include things like: 

  • Paint-related wastes
  • Used solvents and cleaning chemicals
  • Certain types of dye and pigmenting compounds
  • Petroleum-based waste 

Can your hazardous waste be delisted?

In certain situations, your new business may produce waste that is technically on the list as a hazardous material, but really should not be considered hazardous because it does not contain the hazardous compounds. For example, if you will have a lot of discarded pigment but the pigments are made from organic compounds, you may be able to get this product delisted so that it does not have to be treated like a hazardous waste.